The Myth of Divorce and Helping Families Understand the Medicaid Process

In 2016 Medicaid Solutions was contacted by a local Long Term Care facility regarding one of their relatively new residents and his wife.  The husband was admitted approximately one month before we were contacted and the wife (community spouse) was in the process of signing off on the divorce documents.  Fortunately we were able to contact the wife immediately after learning about their particular situation and following our free initial consultation she was able to avoid signing the divorce papers that she had prepared and within 45 days Medicaid was awarded to the husband and the community spouse was able to remain in the community with the desired resources and assets intact.   

Over the years we have been contacted by multiple couples working through this exact scenario.  Like our friends mentioned above there is often a perception and/or assumption that the only way for families to ensure that their community spouses are cared for is to go through the painful and horribly mis-led process of filing for a divorce and separating assets.  Our greatest impact has been in working with married couples.  Medicaid offers a complex range of benefits for married individuals with one or both spouses requiring Medicaid coverage. Our consulting and application services enable our clients to successfully navigate the Medicaid process.  

The circumstances surrounding every Medicaid application are different. That is why we work to tailor unique solutions for every client that we serve. We meet with clients one on one to evaluate their individual situation, investigate their approval requirements, and determine the right approach to successfully navigate the Medicaid process. We meet routinely with the state and with long term care facilities.  We work with caseworkers, staff, residents, and their spouses and families to ensure the success of the services that we provide.